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The GAA in Tyrone - The Long Road to Glory - Second Edition

The GAA in Tyrone - The Long Road to Glory - Second Edition

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The GAA in Tyrone  The Long Road to Glory  Second Edition - Revised and fully updated

2003 will forever be remembered as the year of glory in the annals of the GAA in  Tyrone. On 28 September of that year, the dreams of generations of Tyrone Gaels  were at last realised, when Peter Canavan raised the Sam Maguire Cup in triumph.  

This book tells the story of the first one hundred years of Gaelic games in Tyrone  years of dogged determination, of sometimes bitter disappointment and ultimately  of glorious success. Now revised and fully updated to include the two decades since  it was first published in 1984, it is widely acclaimed as the most comprehensive and  accessible account of the GAA in Tyrone.  

"Joseph Martin's GAA in Tyrone bas ben the standard referenc work on Gaelie games in  our county sinc its publication in 1984. As the second entury of Gaelic sports in Tyrone begins,  and with the Sam Maguire Cup in Tyrone for the first time, 1 am deligbted tbat a revised and  fully updated version of tbis excellent work is being published.' (Peter Canavan)  

Comments on the First Edition  
"A mammoth work. The best county GAA bistory that I bave seen. A professional and  well-researcbed job... a masterpiece." (Jack Mahon, Gaelic Sport)  
"A splendid bistory... a remarkable labour offlove.'" (Sean Kilfeather, Irish Times)  
"Essential reading... a treasured possession," (Liam McDowell, Belfast Ielegraph)  
"A delightful, painstaking, eminently readable bistory." (John J McCullagh, Irish Press)

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